Ikea assembly is meant to be done with a buddy—even their instructions say so! Last night, Chris and I went over to Sam's new place for an Ikea party. Basically, an Ikea party consists of ordering pizza, cracking open some beers, and juggling an array of Allen wrenches while listening to a mix of sweet 90's alternative rock. I did not wear a pencil behind my ear, as Ikea suggests. We built 2 end tables, 4 sets of shelves, and a desk. I also got to unpack brand-new kitchen things, which was really fun. Sam's place is now lookin' good, if I do say so myself!
We also recalled the greatest Ikea quote of all time, from The Wire, Season 5. I looked for the clip to no avail:
Kima is growing frustrated as she attempts to put together a crib.
She calls McNulty, bubbling with anger.
McNulty's response: "What kind of Scotch are you using?"
Ha, ha, ha! What a fantastic way to liven up a miserable activity!