You saw the coffee table, but here are a few more shots of our new living room! We still have a little unpacking and decorating to do (those are homeless DVDs in the plastic bin, and on top are some framed pictures from our old place that we haven't put up).
Old stuff, new place: Our Ellis Island prints and barometer (from good ol' Stray) find a home on the wall alongside an Andrew Bird record (should you ever wind up with some vinyl that you can't exactly use...stick it on the wall!). The TV and all of its accessories made it intact thanks to our OCD packing job and the genius guys from Atlas Movers.
There's the little blue loveseat and white chair we scored on craigslist. New bookshelves from Ikea (we decided to sell our old ones in NY rather than drag them out here).
The white chair, by the way, is now known as the ambush chair. Roger has claimed this chair and sits in it much of the time. When he's not in it, he's often under it, waiting to ambush you and attack your toes when you take a seat.
On another note, I also have to give Chris credit for finding the cute felt pillow with cattails on it.
And the crowing glory, our little balcony. I worked out here a couple times last week. It is absolutely the best.