Well, we have been quite the busy bees with work and friends' visits and (work-related) travel! I hope to get some more pictures up in this space soon, but I had to show you what's now hanging by my desk: A hilarious postcard from Hold the Mustard Productions. Check them out, because all of their postcards cracked me up. This one perfectly summed up the continual confusion I expressed while apartment-hunting:

An excerpt from the text below the picture...
Strange But True: Another common-but-rarely-talked-about tourist probelm is the inability to actually locate the 2nd largest "city" in the U.S.A. The confusion is mostly caused by the fact that once you get close to it you discover that it's really a lot of little places trying to pass themselves off as one big one...If all else fails, it is good to remember that the Pacific Ocean is almost always Southwest of you & going to the beach instead is likely your best bet.
This was just too perfect. Whenever we'd schedule an apartment viewing in a new neighborhood, my questions would start: "So, Culver City...is that 'L.A.'? Is it like a borough? Like, the Queens of L.A. or just 'L.A.'? What's considered 'the city'?
To help us learn where Los Angeles is and isn't, this handy Ork Poster hangs in our kitchen:

I think I'm starting to get it...but most of the time I do give up and go to the beach instead.
Just one shout-out before I wrap up: I got the postcard at Small World Books, my favorite hippie bookstore in Venice (which you may remember from my gushing review). I just love that joint. It's tiny and tucked away, but everything on the shelves is clearly curated by people who love books...and other fun, unique, artsy things, too. Plus, you can pet their bookstore cat, Conan the Librarian, as you browse.
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